Mika & the wedding party, part 1

Weddings! You know what they say, booze, people feeling emotional, romantic & hopeful… And slutty bridesmaid sex!

Before you get too excited, no, I’m not a bridesmaid. That doesn’t mean I’m not planning to have some fun. How? Let’s see.

By the way, there is something slightly terrifying when you go to a wedding for the first time without a plus one.
And then – you also know you just crossed the bridge from your 20’s when one of your questions for the bride is: Are there any single guys coming?! (Yes, with slight worry in my voice)

And no, I wasn’t asking for the obvious reason – but you know when the slow music hits you want someone to dance with! Yes, I mean dance, don’t y’all be dirty-minded.

To be perfectly fair, since my friend (and the bride) is one of the coolest people I know, I knew this will be the coolest social event of my summer.

Sad, I know. At least I didn’t throw my imaginary cat a birthday party!

And if you ask me how do I judge coolness (and how to become one) of my friends, here’s what you need:
a bit of edge, right amount of awesomeness, quirky style, artistic personality and approach to life that is not too judgemental.

(I can cover that part all fine!)

Here’s what I’m hoping to achieve (and yes, I did a bit of Googling on this topic, as masses of articles have been written for people like me)
–  cry, as the love in the room will be too much, eat, drink, not to participate in the bouquet nonsense, eat some more, embrace the cocktail hour, have real conversation with everyone, including the caterers, drink & eat and dance some more!

On a serious note, I actually don’t care or don’t mind going solo. No doubt on my mind I’m going there to… (song playing in my head by Martin Jensen – Solo Dance)


Can’t wait.

Part 2 can be found here if you are interested! 


  1. Don’t be nervous about going… Weddings are awesome! Lovely people all in one room, tasty food, lots of booze and cheesy dancing!! Yet to get lucky at a wedding but let me know how it goes 😉 plus you get to wear a pretty dress! Enjoy it! Xxx


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